- Project “Improving the conservation effectiveness of wetlands” (WetMainAreas)”
- Project “Licence, Master professionnels en formation ouverte et à distance pour le développement du tourisme durable en Chine, au Vietnam et au Kirghizstan” – LMPT
- Project „Sustainable bats conservation in the cross border area” (BatsConserve)
- Project “Making family business transfers successful through education and training” – SUCCESS…ION
- Project “Balancing supply and demand of the professional skills needed in the interregional area / skills balancing”
- Projet “Transfert de la Certification Européenne d’Agent de Soin Thermal (Projet THERM 134098 LLP 2007 BG LMP) THERM_2”
- Project “Model for collaboration to improve preparedness for realization of students at Economics Faculty, SWU “N. Rilski” in Blagoevgrad and bussiness representatives from the Blagoevgrag region in the context of dynamic labour market”
- Project “LOcal products Festivals and Tourism development in cross-border cooperation Greece-Bulgaria” (Project LOFT)
- Project “Cross Border Implementation of Innovative Cost Cutting Technologies CROSS-INNO-CUT”
- Project “Common Religious Cultural Pathways”
- Projet “THERM – Création d’une Certification Européenne d’Agent Thermal”
- Jean Monnet Programme
- Project “Building a knowledge Repository for Occupational Well-being Economics Research” (ROWER)