Workshop on the opportunities and potential of community-oriented learning and its incorporation as a proactive process in the curricula of various specialties

As an associate member of the AURORA Universities Alliance and in the implementation of activities in this regard, the South-West University "Neofit Rilski" hosts a workshop on the opportunities and potential of community-oriented learning and its incorporation as a proactive process in the curricula of various specialties, organized by the Faculty of Economics.

"Learning and engaging communities for social impact" is a core principle in the Alliance, which has the ambition to stimulate societal change through research and education, using the academic excellence and achievements of AURORA's partner universities. Additional information in this direction can be found at партньори/.

The South-West University "Neofit Rilski" has already hosted in October 2021 the 2nd CDS Awareness Raising and Training event. It was organized in collaboration with the Aurora CDS Task Team at Palacky University (UP) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). The central theme of the event was: "Transforming Higher Education through Joint Online International Training (COIL) and Public Service Training (CSL)". The two-day training was conducted in a hybrid format: online through Zoom and face to face at the University’s Center in Bachinovo. The event was open to academic and non-academic staff of associate university partners and members of the wider CDS network involved in teaching, student mobility, curriculum internationalization and university social engagement.

The Faculty of Economics, in its activities to develop its institutional capacity for academic achievement and public relevance, stands behind the view that "awareness-raising and training events play a central role in strengthening the capacity of Aurora's associate partner universities". In view of this, it is committed to the development of topics related to key innovative areas of internationalization and social engagement.

The workshop will be held on 15.03.2022 from 15.00 at the Faculty of Economics – 8310 hall (in person), as well as through the platform BigBlueButton at the link –

The workshop is open to academic and non-academic staff of the University, as well as to students and other stakeholders. It is structured in two parts: theoretical and practical and provides specific examples of good practices and learning tools that will be played in a real environment.


Prof. Dr. Mariya Stankova, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Coordinator of the AURORA team for SWU "Neofit Rilski" as an associate partner

Mr. Anselmo Caporossi, Deputy Secretary General of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, Erasmus + Operational Coordinator of projects, SWU "Neofit Rilski"


Start: 15.00



BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF the AURORA Universities Alliance

Theme 1:

COMMUNITY service Learning


Break – 5 min

Theme 2:




End of the workshop: 17.30