Exert from the strategy for development of the faculty of economics at the South-West University “Neofit Rilski”



The Faculty of Economics is to be an economics and business faculty at a European level by being regionally rooted, nationally and internationally influential and respected for its achievements.



The mission of the Faculty of Economics at SWU “Neofit Rilski” is to undertake educational and scientific research activities for the needs of the economy, businesses and the state by attracting, training and developing high-quality students and academic staff. Through the quality of trained human resources and the carried out scientific researches in the Faculty of Economics states and confirms its ethical commitment to the provide both the Bulgarian society and the societies of other member countries of the European Union with:

  • Human resources in the professional fields of training in economy, administration and management and tourism, who have new knowledge, skills and competencies and are ready to develop new ones through self-improvement, upgrading and lifelong learning in a knowledge-based economy;
  • analysis, management solutions and innovations, which are to meet the current problems and needs of the public and business organizations and thereby contribute for transforming of the economy of the Southwestern region of the country, the economy of Bulgaria and the EU economy as a whole into an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive economy with high levels of employment, productivity and social engagement.



The main strategic objective of the Faculty of Economics at SWU “Neofit Rilski” for the period 2015 -2019 is to become one of the top three economic faculties in Bulgaria.