Modes of study / Info Pack
Full time/part time, for individuals who have "Bachelor"/"Master" Degree in Majors of professional field 3.9. Tourism – 2 semesters – Info Pack
Full time/part time, for individuals who have "Bachelor"/"Master" Degree in Majors of professional direction different from 3.9. Tourism – 4 semesters – Info Pack
Full time/part time, for individuals who have "Professional Bachelor in …." Degree in Majors of professional field 3.9. Tourism – 4 semesters – Info Pack
The accreditation of this program is until 2019 .
The education is performed by Faculty of Economics.
Requirements for professional skills and competencies of graduates
The aim of this Master's program is to upgrade student's theoretical knowledge and practical skills, enabling them to organize their own business and / or to execute top management functions in the entertainment industry, an integral part of the economic activities in tourism. Therefore, the curriculum consists of base courses that build the knowledge related to the management, organization, planning and marketing of businesses that have establish on their territory tourists attractions and operate in the areas of: tourism animation, organization of sports and social events, variety show programs and gambling activities, producer's activities, organization and realization of theatrical events and cinema productions; organization of festivals and other events.
Requirements for the preparation of the specialist
The Specialist who has graduated with "Master" degree with professional qualification "Management of the entertainment industry" has a specific competencies and skills for making independent management decisions with a high degree of complexity in the areas of:
- Planning, organization and control in performing entertainment activities and events in tourism;
- Management of tourists' leisure time as main users of the products offered by the entertainment industry;
- Social psychology and profiling audience users of recreational activities and events in tourism;
- Marketing of enterprises in entertainment industry regarding the different types emitting tourist markets;
- Investment activity for the purpose of organizing, conducting and marketing of entertainment products offered in tourism;
- Technology of negotiation regarding the needs of entertainment businesses in the tourism industry;
- Corporate strategies and pricing in businesses for alternative tourism;
- Security management regarding organizing and conducting various types of entertainment events and activities.
The Specialist with Master degree:
- Knows the specifics of the management of different activities (sports, cultural, gambling and other events) offered as attractions and occasion for the realization of a tourist visit in tourism;
- Possesses a high degree of autonomy in making management decisions in the field of entertainment activity in tourism.
This suggests that the course of study shall focus on the application of theoretical knowledge in simulated situations and in solving practical cases. In regulating this process a dialectical relation between the second and third degree of education shall be followed.
Knowledge and practical experience shall be applied integratively in the analysis of:
- Market in entertainment services in tourism;
- Budget of the tourists leisure time – the users of the products offered by the entertainment industry;
- State and development of entertainment and the activities necessary for their anthropogenic resources in different geographic areas;
- Implementation of specific management practices in the field of sport tourism, gambling tourism, event tourism, cultural tourism.
After completing this course of study for "Master" degree with professional qualification "Management of the entertainment industry" the graduates can work in the field of business, environmental, cultural, historical, hunting, extreme, caving, ethnographic, ethnological and other types of tourism as they shall be able to manage small and medium tourism enterprises as well as enterprises and organizations offering products of the entertainment industry for the needs of tourism.
Graduates from Major "Tourism" are eligible to exercise these professions and occupy the respective positions according to the "National Classification of Professions and Occupations List of 2011" constituting Annex 4 to the Order № PD01-931 / 27.12. 2010, incl. the enacted changes in NKPD-2011 from 01.01.2013:
– 1411/3001 Hotel Department Manager; 1411/3002 Hotel Manager; 1411/3003, Motel Manager; 1411/3004 Hostel Manager; 1412/3001 Manager of catering establishment; 1412/3003 Manager of cafeteria; 1412/3004 Manager of pastry shop / café; 1412/3005 Manager of bar; 1412/3006 Manager of Restaurant; 1412/3007 Manager of canteen; 1412/3009 Head Restaurant Department; 1431/3001 General Secretary, sports organization; 1431/7003 Head Secretary, sports organization; 1431/7004 Director of cultural organization / Cultural Institute; 431/7005 Director of Theatre; 431/3006 Director of cinema; 1431/7007 Deputy Director, Institute / organization of cultural activities; 1431/7008 Vice President, Sports Club; 1431/7009 Vice-President, sports organization; 1431/7010 Vice-President, Society for gymnastics and sport; 1431/7011 Deputy Director, Theatre; 1431/7012 Chairman, Sports Club; 1431/7013 Chairman, sports organization; 1431/7014 Chairman, Association for gymnastics and sport; 1431/3015 Manager, leisure / recreation facilities; 1431/3016 Manager, sports activities; 1431/3017 Manager, casino; 1431/3018 Manager, bingo hall; 1431/3019 Manager, slot machines hall; 1431/3020 Manager, entertainment / amusement parks; 1431/6021 Head, department of cultural activities; 1431/6022 Head, department of recreation; 1431/6023 Head, department of sports activities; 1431/6025 Manager cultural activities; 1431/6026 Sports Manager; 1439/3003 Manager, camping; 1439/3004 Manager, travel agency; 1439/3006 Manager, rest house; 1439/6007 Head, department of travel agencies; 1439/3009 Director, Conference Center;