Modes of study / Info Pack
Full time/part time, for individuals who have "Bachelor" / "Master" Degree in Majors of professional field 3.9. Tourism – 2 semesters – Info Pack
Full time / part time, for individuals who have "Bachelor" / "Master" Degree in Majors of professional direction different from 3.9. Tourism – 4 semesters – Info Pack
Full time/ part time, for individuals who have "Professional Bachelor in …." Degree in Majors of professional field 3.9. Tourism – 4 semesters – Info Pack
The accreditation of this program is until 2019 .
The education is performed by Faculty of Economics.
Requirements to the professional qualities and competence of those who have graduated the above major:
The Master degree programme is envisaged to upgrade both the theoretical knowledges and the practical skills which provide opportunies for setting and organizing of one's own tourism business and/or of working successfully on high-level management positins in the field of tourism. Therefore, the curriculum comprises courses which define and master the basics of knowledge and practical skills in the management, planning and corporate policy of enterprises working in the filed of the alternative types of tourism.
Requirements to the specilaist's training:
The persons who are to complete the educational and qualification degree of Master in "Management of the Alternative Types of Tourism" shall be able to possess and exercise concrete skills in field of:
- management of laternative types of tourism – business, congress, spa, wellness and others;
- tourism territory planning;
- logistic and resource supply of the tourism industry;
- corporate strategies and pricing in the alterantive tourism enterprises;
- trends in the tourism business development in global scale (the EU and worldwide);
- legal regulations in the field of Tourism.
The specialist who has received a master degree in this program shall be able:
- to be aware of the specifics of quality systems management in the alternative tourism enterprises and the set of quality criteria and indicators and the competitiveness of the tourist product and activities;
- to have a high degree of autonomy in making and taking managerial decisions in the field of tourism.
All these envisaged skill require the education and training received to be focused on the implementation of the theoretical knowledges in pratical, often simulated situations and in solving specific parctical cases.
The gained knowledge and practical experience should be integratively applied in the analysis of:
- tourism services market;
- the tourism resources conditon and development in the different geographic regions;
- compliance with the enactments in the hotel and restaurant business, tour operators and tour agents, advertising and others; tourism-related activities.
The master degree programme in Managment of the Alternative Types of Tourism ends with a preparation of a master degree thesis, the topic of which complies with the indivudual interests of the students and shall correspond to their future professional and career realization.
After graduating and being awarded with educational and qualification degree of Master in the professsional qualification "Management of the Alternative Types of Tourism" the graduates can work in the field of business, eco, cultural and heritage, hunting, extreme, ethnographic and other types of tourism as managers of small and medium tourism enterprises.
Graduates from the program in Tourism may exercise these professions and occupying the respective position according to the National Classification of Occupations, 2011:
– 1412/2003 Manager, cafeteria; – 1412/3004 Manager, shop / café; – 1412/3005 Manager, bar; – 1412/3006 Manager, restaurant; – 1412/3007 Manager, chair; – 1412/3008 Manager, preparation and delivery of food / catering /; – 1412/3009 Head, Department Restaurant; – A holder 1412/3011, restaurant; – 1431/3015 Manager, recreation; – 1431/3017 Manager, casino; – Manager 1431/3020, entertainment / amusement parks; – 1431/6021 Head, department of cultural activities; – 1431/6022 Head, recreation; – 1431/6023 Head, sports activities; – 1439/3001 Manager, restaurant service population; – 1439/3003 Manager, camping; – 1439/3004 Manager, travel agency; – 1439/3005 Manager, Service Bureau; – 1439/3006 Manager, hut; – 1411/3001 Head, Department Hotel; – 1411/3002 Manager, Hotel; – 1411/3003 Manager, motel; – 1412/3001 Manager, catering establishment; – 1439/6007 Head, department of tourism agencies; – 1439/3008 Head, contact center; – 1439/3009 Head, conference center; – 4224/2001 Receptionist, Hotel; – 4224/3002 Administrator hotel; – 1120/7014 Deputy Director venture; – 1439/3006 Manager, hut; – 1411/3001 Head, Department Hotel; – 1411/3002 Manager, Hotel; – 1411/3003 Manager, motel; – 1412/3001 Manager, catering establishment; – 1439/6007 Head, department of tourism agencies; – 1439/3008 Head, contact center; – 1439/3009 Head, conference center; – 4224/2001 Receptionist, Hotel; – 4224/3002 Administrator hotel; – 1120/7014 Vice Director, enterprise; – 1120/7015 Deputy Head, Cooperative; – 1120/7016 Vice-President, board / board of directors, company; – 1120/7017 Deputy CEO; – 1120/7018 Chairman, Management Board / Board of Directors / trading company; – 1120/7019 Chairman, Supervisory Board in a company; – 1120/7020 Member, Board of Directors; – 1120/7021 Member, Management Board; – 1120/7022 Procurator / commercial manager /; – 1120/7023 Manager; – 1213/5046 Project Manager.