Modes of study / Info Pack
regular/part-time, for holders of "Bachelor" / "Master" degree in the majors in professional field 3.7. Administration and management, and 3.8. Economics – 2 semesters – Info Pack
regular/part-time, for holders of "Bachelor" / "Master" degree outside the majors the professional field 3.7. Administration and management, and 3.8. Economics – 4 semesters – Info Pack
regular/part-time, for holders of "Professional bachelor in…" degree in the majors in professional field 3.7. Administration and management – 4 semesters – Info Pack
The accreditation of this program is until 2019 .
The education is performed by Faculty of Economics.
Training in "Business Management" master degree aims to prepare specialists for professional appearance as managers, experts, consultants in all parts of the business and non-profit sector, as well as researchers and professionals in management in universities, research institutes, development units, etc.
Graduates can work as:
- Directors / managers / all levels of government;
- Functional specialists in all branches of the management hierarchy, experts / councilors / of the senior management in the business organizations' sectors, consultants and experts in management and organizational development specialist companies and research organizations, specialists in management and administration in local and state government structures and other management positions.
- Knowledge and skills in wider economy, social and managerial aspects that enrich and elaborate the basis obtained in this direction from the completed degree "Bachelor";
Profound meet and master current problems in international aspects of business management including:
- European economy, management in a global environment, international business and marketing, international markets, international public finance;
- Strategic management of the company and its organizational change,. stock and innovation policy;
- Topical issues of employment security relations.
- Ability to acquire integrated application of knowledge;
- Develop business management programs;
- Prepare a comprehensive financial and economic analysis;
- Processe, systematize, analyze and display the leading trends in business practice;
- Make strategic and tactical management decisions consistent with the requirements of the market.
Jobs that graduates may exert:
- Directors and Vice directors in companies and organizations;
- Administrative managers in companies – leaders in business services and administrative activities; leaders in policy and strategic planning executives and sales and marketing
- Team Leaders
- Analysts – efficiency of the business, market research , etc.
- Key experts and experts – logistics, financial and economic analyzes, social security, marketing, international cooperation, policy prices, advertising, marketing, sales, European integration, business, business development, engineering , etc.
- Managers – finance, sales, marketing, market research , etc.
- Consultants – business activity.
- Analysts
- Managers of enterprises and organizations.
Qualificational characteristics of the "Business Management" for the degree "Master" professional qualification "Master in Business Administration" is a key document that determines the development of the curriculum and programs. It is consistent with the Higher Education Act, the Ordinance on the state requirements for acquiring degree "Master," "Bachelor", "Specialist" and SWU "Neofit Rilski" regulations.