Modes of study / Info Pack
Regular – 8 semesters – Info Pack
The accreditation of this program is until 2019 .
The education is performed by Faculty of Economics.
I. Requirements for Tourism graduates' professional skills and competencies:
Professionals with theoretical and practice-related knowledge and skills, who are able to execute their professional duties, are being prepared through a set of training courses.
Having acquired this qualification, graduates will be able to manage and participate in marketing, production, innovation, investment, accounting, financial and brokering activities of tourism companies.
II. Graduates' competencies:
Specialists having a Tourism Bachelor degree have a good organizational, social and economic culture. They gain knowledge about the effective use in tourism of geographic, climatic, and Spa conditions as well as the richness and originality of national and international historical monuments, folklore, traditions and unique architecture. Special attention is paid to foreign language training, business communication skills and business correspondence in Bulgarian and foreign languages.
Tourism graduates have competencies in the following fields:
- Geography of tourism, tourist resources, tourism management, social psychology and tourist behavior, legal regulations in the industry, hotel and restaurant industry, tour operator, travel agency and transportation business;
- Market economy foundations, accounting and control, finance, statistics, marketing and advertising, investment policy, general management theory, human resources management, current information techniques and technologies, applied mathematics;
- Tourism regularities and trends in the developed countries;
- Integrative application of the acquired general and particular theoretical knowledge in the development and implementation of tourism activities;
- Abilities to analyze the tourism market using recent mathematical and statistical studies in the various activities;
- Using current information techniques and systems to study the status and development of tourism resources in different geographic regions, tourist behavior specifics, legal regulations in hospitality, advertising, transportation, tour operation and other tourism-related activities;
- Good orientation in economic situations and ability to prepare and/ or take successful management decisions in the field of finance, accounting, controlling, human resources, etc.;
- A flair of entrepreneurship in tourism various sectors.
Having completed their studies, Tourism graduates have a set of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that enable them to start working in various positions in the tourism structures:
- Hotel complexes and chains, in administrative, executive and managerial positions;
- Food and entertainment establishments;
- Travel agencies as organizers and agents of the basic and additional services;
- Public administration, industry structures and others.
Tourism graduates may exercise these professions and occupy the following positions according to the National Classification of Occupations, 2011:
– 1412/2003 Self-Serviced Restaurant Manager; – 1412/3004 Cafeteria Manager; – 1412/3005 Bar Manager; – 1412/3006 Restaurant Manager; – 1412/3007 Canteen Manager; – 1412/3008 Catering Manager; – 1412/3009 Restaurant Division Manager; – 1412/3011, Restaurant Owner; – 1431/3015 Recreation Manager; – 1431/3017 Casino Manager; – 1431/3020 Theme Park Manager; – 1431/6021 Culture Division Manager; – 1431/6022 Recreation Division Manager; – 1431/6023 Sport Activities Division Manager; – 1439/3001 Public-Service Establishment Manager; – 1439/3003 Camping Manager; – 1439/3004 Tourist Agency Manager; – 1439/3005 Bureau Manager; – 1439/3006 Lodge Manager; – 1411/3001 Hotel Division Manager; – 1411/3002 Hotel Manager; – 1411/3003 Motel Manager; – 1412/3001 Manager Of Public Catering Establishment; – 1439/6007 Manager Of Tourist Agency Division; – 1439/3008 Contact Center Manager; – 1439/3009 Conference Center Manager; – 4224/2001 Hotel Receptionist; – 4224/3002 Hotel Administrator.