Modes of study / Info Pack
Regular – 8 semesters – Info Pack
The accreditation of this program is until 2018 .
The education is performed by Faculty of Economics.
The specialists who graduate in Marketing acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in marketing strategy and marketing research, management of business, companies and organizations. The teaching in this specialty includes specialized training in compulsory, elective and optional subjects. This creates conditions and opportunities for using the whole arsenal of knowledge. The course includes the foundations and principles that underpin the contemporary modern marketing using the foreign experience in this field. Students gain skills for adequate decision-making as well as preventive measures to avoid the risk in the market economy.
Marketers has a highly social and economic culture. They acquire skills to use the knowledge of the marketing activities organization in respect with the financial and information security, the formation of company productive, innovative, distributional, pricing and advertising policies. The student needs to have emotional stability, organization, businesslike and economic observation, initiative, enterprise, commercial acumen and adaptability to rapid changes in the market conditions.
- Knowledge of mathematics, legal, micro- and macroeconomics, economic theories, informatics, business history;
- Basics of marketing, management, planning and forecasting, accounting, statistics, labor economics, finance;
- Commercial law, business communications, prices and pricing policies, marketing research, consumer behavior, privatization;
- Advertising policy, commodity and innovation policy, international business, management of the marketing information systems;
- International marketing, corporate security and economic intelligence, management of sales and business logistics, operations and stock exchanges and others.
- Knowledge and skills in the wider economic, social and managerial aspects that enrich and develop the basis obtained in this direction;
- Thorough knowledge of topical issues in the international aspects of marketing;
The students who complete their studies in Marketing can exercise the following professions according to the National Classification of Occupations, 2011:
- 2432/6001 Expert PR – 2434/5005 Product Manager – 2431/6001 Analyst, marketing research – 2431/6002 Expert, Marketing – 2431/6003 Expert, advertisement – 2431/6004 Expert, Pricing policy- 2431/6005 Expert, foreign Trade.
- Applying integrated general theoretical, special and specialized economic knowledge in the conducting of marketing activities in enterprises;
- Conducting successful marketing research, making evaluations of the markets and developing marketing strategies;
- Making alternative marketing solutions and evaluating their effectiveness;
- Making complex statistical analyzes of the results of the marketing research in order to properly interpret the collected and processed information;
- Applying modern information technology of management;
- Making management decisions;
- Working in private enterprises and entrepreneurship.
The qualification characteristics of the Bachelor degree in Marketing with the professional qualification of Economist is a key document that determines the development of the curriculum and programs. It is consistent with the Higher Education Act, the Ordinance on the state requirements for acquiring the degrees of Master, Bachelor and Specialist and the regulations of the SWU of Neofit Rilski.