Center For Research And Qualifications

Center for Research and Qualifications
to the Faculty of Economics at SWU of Neofit Rilski – Blagoevgrad


Centre for Research and Qualification is a structural unit of the Faculty of Economics at SWU of Neofit Rilski, founded by a decision of the Faculty Council (Protocol № 17 / 20.12.1999) and approved by the Academic Council (Protocol № 17 / 18.04.2001).

The main activities of the Centre are:

  • Organisation and implementation of training courses for students, professionals and the unemployed in the professional capacity of the academic staff in the Faculty;
  • Provision of consultancy in the field of economics, management , tourism, government structures , business agents and NGOs;
  • Development of proposals for research projects , organizing and implementing projects that have received funding;
  • •rganization of the scientific sessions of the Faculty with the participation of the academic staff;
  • Exchange of information and use of various forms of active interaction with graduates of the Faculty , key figures at the regional level as well as lecturers from other faculties whose research interests are similar to those of the academic staff of the Faculty.

The director of the Centre with the active assistance of the Dean and Vice deans and the heads of departments prepare:

  • Research Strategy of the Faculty of Economics;
  • curricula of training courses;
  • proposals for research projects and teams.

They are approved by the Faculty Council, which also receives the reports on the activities carried out. The Centre uses the Faculty facilities. Since its establishment the Center for Research and Qualifications has carried out:

  • training for acquiring the pedagogical qualification of Teacher of economic courses. The Course is taught by Prof. Dr. Mariya Kicheva.
  • training of health professionals – doctors, nurses, dentists and others in Health Management. The curriculum is consistent with the requirements of Ordinance № 9 of the Ministry of Health. The training lasts two semesters. The Course is taught by Prof. Dr. Mariya Kicheva.

The following research projects were prepared and carried out in the center:

  • Requirements of training and consulting services in economics and management in Blagoevgrad municipality in the European integration process;
  • Interaction of the Faculty of Economics with institutions in the Blagoevgrad region.
  • Municipal bond financing;
  • Preparation of lower managers with European qualification (research with a real experiment in 76 secondary schools in the country), National Institute of Education;
  • Neighborhood and boundaries from cooperation to joining funded by the Open Society Club;
  • Creating a high technology business incubator – Blagoevgrad , Blagoevgrad municipality;
  • Assessment of creditworthiness of municipalities;
  • Education in the Faculty of Economics and career development of graduates in Blagoevgrad;
  • Interaction of the institutions of regional economic development, the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • Bulgaria 2003, Institute of Economics and International Relations;
  • Macroeconomic and structural policies before and after the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union, Ciela, Open Society Foundation;
  • More safety for our children funded by the Open Society Club;
  • •ntrepreneurship in alternative tourism – organization and management for sustainable development of the National Park of Rila;
  • Development of a system for preventing the access of money from criminal activity to the banking system, individual project;
  • Exploring the relationship between the state of the internal environment of the banks and the stability of the banking system, individual project;
  • Fiscal Strategy of Bulgaria in the period of accession to the EU;
  • •omparative analysis of the curricula of the Faculty of Economics with leading European universities;
  • •trategic Partnership in the field of higher education for the training of specialists in entrepreneurship in ecotourism funded by Open Society Institute;
  • Development of agriculture and rural tourism in Bulgaria – Institute of Agricultural Economics at NCAS;
  • Financial Management in Secondary Education , National Institute of Education in the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • Education in the transition to market economy, National Institute of Education;
  • The economic dimensions of global terrorism – three years later, in Terrorism after Madrid 2004: new challenges and counter, Bulgarian Diplomatic Association;
  • Study on motivation and enhancement of the quality of the students' training in Entrepreneurship atthe Faculty of Economics, SWU of Neofit Rilski;
  • Public policies in the financial sector, Ciela,Friedrich Ebert Foundation;
  • Higher Education and the changing society – some economic aspects;
  • Bulgaria in the United Europe, Institute of Economics and International Relations;
  • Financing the entrepreneurial small and medium business in the territory of Blagoevgrad region;
  • Exploring the state of the spa and wellness tourism in Bulgaria as a major driver of economic development;
  • Analysis and modeling of interactive advertising process and the relationship of the factors in the advertising communications system;
  • Bulgarian- Macedonian project together with the University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopie, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Institute For Geography, entitled “Monitoring of the spread of radionuclides , heavy metals and toxic elements in the environment and regional development of the border municipalities (Blagoevgrad, Delchevo, Kochani and Shtip ), funded by the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • Financing municipalities through the emission of  bonds financed by the National Fund of Scientific Research at the MES;
  • Learning the management strategies and approaches to increase the activity of entrepreneurship (the case of Blagoevgrad), Project head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raya Madgerova;
  • Opportunities to improve the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity based on benchmarking (the case of Blagoevgrad) Project head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raya Madgerova.

The Research teams include lecturers of the Faculty of Economics, graduate students and PhD students. Research results have multi-effects, including effects to improve the quality of education, a set of relevant empirical material to outline the research, training and expert activities, making useful contacts with key agents in the region, raising the prestige and popularity of the Faculty of Economics and its academic staff.

The following proposals and statements have been developed:

  • proposals for the training of unemployed people, including such with appropriate curriculum and academic staff;
  • two proposals for participation in competitions of the Open Society Foundation;
  • statements on the development of teams according to the Phare strategic development of the South-West region;
  • promotional materials for educational and research capacity of the Faculty of Economics;
  • proposals for aligning the interests and intentions for joint research projects with academic structures of Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Greece;
  • statements and proposals for the Center participation in the activities of the Euroregions of Southwestern Bulgaria.

The Head of the Center is Prof. Dr Mariya Kicheva.

Coordinator and administrative inspector of the Center training courses is Milena Donina.


Address: 2700 Blagoevgrad

2 Krali Marko Street

Faculty of Economics

Tel.: 073 88 59 52
